Peer Review Process

Every article manuscript submitted will undergo scrutiny by the editorial team to ensure alignment with the focus and scope, correct template usage, and plagiarism level. Manuscripts that do not meet these three criteria will be rejected, while those that do will proceed to the review stage using a double-blind review system. In the review stage, the manuscripts will be evaluated by 3 Reviewers from PPJ appointed by the Section Editor. The journal manager and Section Editor will make decisions based on the reviewers' feedback, with outcomes such as Accept Submission, Revision Required, Resubmit for Review, Resubmit Elsewhere, and Decline Submission. The next step involves managing the article manuscript in the copyediting stage, involving a copyeditor who will edit the article based on the writing guidelines and PPJ template. The subsequent process involves managing the article manuscript in the production stage, including preparing galleys involving the Layout Editor and Production Editor from PPJ. Galley management will be undertaken by the Layout Editor and Production Editor responsible for preparing and publishing the article manuscript.

Specifically, the process of managing article manuscripts during the review stage is shown in the following flowchart (