Author Guidelines

General Provisions;

  • The manuscript has not been published in other media.
  • Manuscripts published in this journal cover thoughts and ideas about public policy and business or related fields and other fields within the scope of this journal.
  • Manuscripts must be submitted online through the journal's website.
  • Manuscripts can be submitted in English.
  • The length of the manuscript should not exceed 5,000 words or 20 pages with 1.5 spacing and using the Tahoma 11 font (the manuscript format should be adjusted to the journal template).
  • The minimum number of authors is 2 and the maximum is 5 authors (preferably from different institutions).
  • Accepted manuscripts will be reviewed by Peer Reviewers.
  • The maximum plagiarism level allowed is 20%.

 Article Writing Format;

  • The article is typed on quarto/A4 paper (21 cm x 29.7 cm).
  • The length of the article should not exceed 5,000 words or 20 pages with 1.5 spacing and using the Tahoma 11 font.
  • The overall margin (top, bottom, left, and right) is 3 cm.
  • It is recommended to have more than 1 author from different institutions.
  • Long direct quotations (more than 3 lines) should be single-spaced with italic font.
  • All pages of the article should be numbered.
  • The article is typed in 1 column.
  • References/bibliography should primarily be sourced from recent articles (within the last 5 years).
  • The ratio of reference sources in the bibliography is 80%:20% (80% from articles & 20% from books).
  • References/bibliography should be formatted using the Mendeley application with the citation style; American Psychological Association 6th edition.

 Writing Systematics;

The structure of the article consists of a title, author's identity, abstract, introduction, theoretical framework and hypothesis development, research method, discussion of research results, conclusion, references, and appendices as explained below.

  • The Research Title should be able to describe the research topic in general with a maximum of 15 words and placed at the top of the article. It is recommended not to include the location and unit of analysis of the research.
  • Author's Identity is the section that displays the full name, institution of the author (department/program and institution), and email address.
  • Abstract is a section that presents a summary of the article presented below the author's identity, which should be a maximum of 225 words in English with single spacing and ending with keywords that describe the important concepts of the article.
  • Introduction is the section that presents the background, research motivation, novelty of the research, statement of the problem, and research objectives.
  • Theoretical Framework and Research Hypothesis Development is the section that presents a logical framework concerning research variables based on established theory and empirical studies to develop research hypotheses.
  • Research Method is the section that presents the type of research, data collection methods, research population and sample, and analysis tools used.
  • Discussion of Research Results is the section that presents the analysis of research data and discussion of research results.
  • Conclusion is the section that presents conclusions, recommendations, implications, and limitations of the research.
  • References/Bibliography is the section that displays recent sources (preferably from the last 10 years) cited according to the content of the article (using the Mendeley application).
  • Appendices are the section that displays tables, figures, and instruments used.